Equipment: Repair and Return

Send and return equipment using both TANGO™ and TANGO Mobile.

Sending Equipment for Repair Using TANGO™

There are multiple ways to locate equipment in Tango™. This guide will focus on the simplest way, using the quick search box.

Search for the item using the search box in the upper right.

Click the […] to the right of the search box to bring up the options menu.

Choose All Equipment search by equipment name/number.

Choose All Locations if searching by location name.

You may collapse the Equipment menu by clicking the arrow to the left of “Equipment”. Similarly, you may expand the Locations menu by clicking the arrow to the left of “Locations”. Enter the Plant Tag or Location in the search box at the top, and click “find”.

When the search results appear, choose the action menu in the first column by clicking the down arrow, then choose Location Options, then Locate in Tree.

This will highlight the equipment location in the Asset Tree. Open the menu by clicking the down arrow next to the component name. Under Equipment Actions choose Send Equipment for Repair.

This will bring up the Equipment History Entry page.

In the Current Location section, Removal Date is required. Other fields are optional.

In the Send for Repair >> Shop Info section, Shop and Sent on Date are required.

You have the option to add Send for Repair Comments or Linked Documents.

You may also add Suspected Faults by clicking the + symbol to the right. This will bring up the Fault List window.

Choose the appropriate fault(s) from the list and click ‘Add’. After you have added all appropriate faults, click the ‘X’ in the upper right to close this window.

The Suspected Fault(s) will now be on the list.

Click Save at the bottom of the page. This will bring up the Changes Saved page.

The equipment has now been sent for repair.

Sending Equipment for Repair Using Tango Mobile

Locate the equipment in Tango Mobile. There are two ways to do this:

  • If the equipment has a QR code assigned to it, you may simply scan it and go directly to the equipment page.
  • If there is no QR code, you may search for the equipment by plant tag or serial number.

Once on the equipment page, choose Remove Equipment under the Actions

Under the To Repair section, choose a vendor and click Send.

This will bring up the Equipment History Page. Under Current Location, the Removal Date is required. Under Send for Repair, Sent on Date is required.

All other information is optional. You may include Suspected Faults. Click Save when finished.

Returning and Installing Equipment Using Tango

The next step depends on whether the equipment is being repaired in-house or has been repaired by an outside repair shop. If the equipment has been repaired in-house, proceed with this step. If the equipment has been repaired by an outside repair shop, skip down to “Installing Equipment from Stores or Limbo Using Tango” below.

As in section 1, use the quick search in the top right corner, clicking the […] icon and choosing All Equipment.

When results appear, type any information into the ‘filter’ box to narrow the results. The Plant Tag is usually available and provides the best results.

When the search results appear, choose the icon next to the equipment to be repaired. Under Equipment History Actions, choose Select for Install.

This will highlight the selected equipment, indicating it is ready to be installed.

Locate the installation location in the asset tree. Note that, compared to the Circuit Breaker above, the icon color for MOTOR1 is faded, indicating that there is currently no equipment installed at this location.

Click the arrow on the MOTOR1 icon, revealing the menu. Choose Install Selected Equipment.

This will bring up the Equipment History Entry page.

You have the option to add Fault Findings. This works the same as when adding Suspected Faults. In this example, the Fault was ‘Drive and Bearing Failure’.

Date Returned and Install Date are required. All other fields are optional.

Click Save. This will bring up the Changes Saved page.

The equipment has now been returned from repair.

Returning and Installing Equipment Using Tango Mobile

If the equipment has been repaired in-house, proceed with this section. If the equipment has been repaired by an outside repair shop, skip down to “Installing Equipment from Stores or Limbo Using Tango Mobile” below.

Locate the equipment in Tango Mobile. First, click Search Equipment.

Once on search page, choose the Equipment Type from the list. In this case, Motors – AC Induction was chosen. For Current Equipment State, choose Being Repaired.

This will bring up a list of equipment currently being repaired. You may use the filter by typing in the plant tag or other information.

After locating the equipment, clock the action menu to the left, and choose Equipment Information Page.

On the Equipment Information Page, choose Remove Equipment.

Next, search for the location where you want to install the equipment.

Locate the location where the equipment is to be installed, and click the icon to the left.

This will bring up the Equipment History Entry page. If you need to add fault findings, click the + icon.

On the Faults List page, search for the appropriate fault and click Add.

The added fault is now visible in the Fault Findings section. Below you may add Repair Actions or Repair Information. Date Returned is required. All other information is optional.

You may also add comments or linked documents.

Lastly, you may add work order information and Installation Remarks. Click Save.

The equipment is now installed.

Installing Equipment from Stores or Limbo Using Tango

Search for the item using the search box in the upper right.

Click the […] to the right of the search box to bring up the options menu.

Choose All Equipment search by equipment name/number.

When the results appear, type any information into the ‘filter’ box to narrow the results. The Plant Tag is usually available and will provide the best results.

When the search results appear, choose the icon next to the equipment to be repaired. Under Equipment History Actions, choose Select for Install.

This will highlight the item, indicating it is ready to be installed.

Locate the equipment in the asset tree. Note that, compared to MOTOR3 above, the icon color for MOTOR4 is faded, indicating that there is currently no equipment installed at this location.

This will bring up the Equipment History Entry page. Install Date is required. Other fields are optional. Click Save when you are done.

This will bring up the Changes Saved page. The equipment has now been installed.

Installing Equipment from Stores or Limbo Using Tango Mobile

Locate the equipment in Tango Mobile. First, click Search Equipment.

When the search box appears, choose the Equipment Type (Motor – AC Induction in this example). Then choose In Spares or Repaired (Still in Limbo) for the Current Equipment State.

Use the plant tag or other information to filter the results list, then click the icon in the left column.

This will reveal the menu. Choose Equipment Information Page from the menu.

Choose Remove Equipment.

Choose To Location. Enter search criteria and click Search.

Find the location in the search results and click the icon at the left.

On the Installation Information page, you may enter an Installation Work Order number or Installation Remarks. Click Save.

The equipment has now been installed.


Appendix A: Overview of Equipment Locations

Equipment may exist in any of the equipment states. The states used most often, and referenced in this guide, include:

  • Installed – The equipment is currently installed in a functional location.
  • Being Repaired – The equipment is out for repair, either at an outside repair facility or inhouse.
  • In Spares – The equipment is currently in spares and ready to be installed.
  • Repaired (Still in Limbo) – The equipment has been repaired, but has not yet been assigned to a location or spares.

Appendix B: Anonymous Equipment

Equipment may be in one of three different states. In this example, MOTOR5 has a piece of equipment installed, as indicated by the filled-in icon and the equipment information in brackets after the name. The MOTOR6 location has no equipment installed, as indicated by the faded (“ghost”) icon. The MOTOR4 location, however, has a question mark (“?”) over the icon. This indicates anonymous equipment is installed at this location.

  • MOTOR4 – Anonymous
  • MOTOR5 – Equipment Installed
  • MOTOR6 – No Equipment Installed

Anonymous equipment may be installed as a placeholder, so that location can still be part of process parameter routes or Condition Assessment Tasks.

You may install equipment to a location that has anonymous equipment installed. The process is much the same as installing to an empty location, but you will be presented with two options before proceeding.

Choose “Close Existing” if you wish to close the equipment history associated with the anonymous equipment and install the new equipment.

You will be required to enter an equipment removal date for the anonymous equipment. Click Save and then proceed with the installation.

Choose “Assign to Existing” if you wish to add the equipment to the existing history entry.

Appendix C: Equipment Traveler

By clicking the drop-down menu next to any piece of equipment and choosing “Equipment Traveler”, you will be presented with a QR code specific to that piece of equipment.

This QR code can be printed and attached to the equipment or placed with the paperwork.

Any mobile device can be used to scan the QR code, presenting the user with the Equipment Properties page for that piece of equipment.

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